Wich is your favorite holiday of the year? (writing task).

This is an stereting task to reforce the free writing of the students, using an ICT tool as PADLET. The idea is give to them a link of the padlet and the students have to publish a post talking about which is their favorite holiday of the year, and they have to explain the main reasons why this day is an special day for them. Then they have to post a picture with the text. 


ALSO THE LINK TO ENTRY TO THE PADLET CREATED BY THE TEACHER: https://padlet.com/laurasanchezibanezblog/which-is-your-favorite-holiday-of-the-year-sdnihkynjdh1s1ev 


  1. I love this activity! I think that it can improve meanly writting ability, besides it can improve imagination, vocabulary, creative, etc. too. Congratulations for your work!

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  3. Hi Laura! I really like your activity and I find it really interesting to encourage students to write in English. I think that Padlet is a very useful ICT tool to use in class with our students as it is a very easy-to-use tool and it offers plenty of possibilities, as posting text, images, links, documents, videos and voice recordings. By using it, learners can develop different skills such as reading, listening, writing and speaking. Furthermore, as it is a collaborative tool, students can learn from each other, gathering and sharing ideas. In your activity, students can even learn about new festivities, if there are students from another country in class!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Laura,
    I really enjoy surfing in your blog. Congratulations for your blog apparence and design. In my opinion, the padlet it is a really nice activity to work the writting skills. It sound to me very fun and practical. Your activities are very interesting and work all the English Skills. Great job!


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